Wednesday 23 May 2018

The Life Cycle of a Sea Turtle

I am learning to inform my audience through a explanation 

Did you know that a sea turtles can not put there head and legs inside their shell. There are many wonderful facts about sea turtles. Sea turtles are miraculous they have been around since the dinosaur which was 150 million years ago. Sea turtles go through three challenging stages the egg stage the young sea turtle stage and the adulthood stage. It all starts when the mother lays her eggs

First the mother sea turtle squirms to high surface and digs a hole to lays her eggs. She usually lays her egg on the same beach that she was born on. After the mum is finished laying her eggs she leaves the beach. The eggs are leathery and about the size of a ping pong ball. The sea turtle are in the their egg for roughly about 40-60 days. Approximately only 80% of the eggs actually hatch. Then the baby sea turtles squirm to the water surface

When the turtles squirm to the water they come across many challenges. Like crabs, birds, dogs and dips. After they face the dangers approximately only 50% of the sea turtles make it to the water. Once the sea turtles make it to the ocean they find a piece of seaweed to keep them warm and safe. From things like big fish and sharks. These predators don’t eat the adult sea turtle.

When the sea turtles grow into a adult there shell gets stronger and it keeps them safe for the occasional killer whale. Sea turtles live for approximately 50 to 80 years.

Approximately only 80% of of the eggs hatch. 50% make it to the water 20% make it to breading age without human interference and 2% make it to breeding age with human interference. That is why we should take care of sea turtles.

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